1 SetMenu 2 GetMenu 3 ClearMenu 4 AppendItem 5 InsertItem 6 DeleteItem 7 EnableItem 8 SetItem 9 GetItem 10 SelectedSpec 11 SelectedText 12 SetMarkType 13 GetMarkType 14 ClearMarks 15 SetItemMark 16 GetItemMark 17 SetItemStyle 18 GetItemStyle 19 SetAutoMark 20 GetAutoMark 21 SetFont 22 GetFont 23 SetFontSize 24 GetFontSize 29 SetLook 30 GetLook 31 SetForecolor 32 GetForecolor 33 SetBackcolor 34 GetBackcolor 35 SetDisplayText 36 GetDisplayText 42 version 43 menu 44 menuAutoMark 45 menuForecolor 46 menuBackcolor 47 menuDisplayText 48 menuAutoText 49 menuIndicator 50 menuField 51 menuLook 52 menuFont 53 menuFontSize 54 menuMarkType 55 help 56 selectedSpec 57 selectedText 58 menuLoc 59 menuAutoAlign 60 disableItem 61 SetAutoText 62 GetAutoText 63 tastesLikeChicken 64 mMessageList 65 propertyNames 66 functionNames 67 RefreshMenu 68 Redraw 69 SetMenuField 70 GetMenuField 71 SetAutoAlign 72 GetAutoAlign 73 SetIndicator 74 GetIndicator 75 SetMenuLocation 76 GetMenuLocation 77 Help 78 interface 79 Activate 80 Deactivate 81 language 82 trapEvents 83 autoRedrawWindow 1000 popxtra.prf 1001 Popup Xtra 1002 Red Eye Xtras 1003 alert 1004 Popup Xtra Warning: This is an unregistered Xtra!\n\nProperties of the Popup Xtra castmembers will not be saved to disk and will be reset to their default values. 1005 Popup Xtra Warning: This is an unregistered Xtra! Until it is registered, using certain functions and setting specific properties will not work. These are:\n\nFunctions:\nAppendItem\nInsertItem\nSetMenu\nSetMenuField\n\nProperties:\nmenu\nmenuField 1007 Register... 1008 Select a foreground color: 1009 Select a background color: 1010 About... 1011 Help 1012 helppopx.htm 1013 The help file (helppopx.htm) for Popup Xtra can't be found. Please make sure it is located in the same folder as the Popup Xtra. 1014 Not a valid castmember reference. 1015 member ^0 of castlib ^1 1016 1017 Unable to launch a web browser for the help file (helppopx.htm) because the browser could not be found. 1018 Unable to obtain the default web browser for the help file because this is an earlier version of Director. Please open the help file "helppopx.htm" with a web browser to obtain help on using Popup Xtra. 1019 Unable to launch the default web browser for the help file (helppopx.htm) because there is not enough memory. 1900 No indicator 1901 Down arrow 1902 Diagonal Arrow 2200 placeholder 2201 placeholder 2300 Invisible 2301 Macintosh standard 2400 placeholder 2401 placeholder 2402 placeholder 2403 placeholder 2404 placeholder 2500 No Mark 2501 Check 2502 Filled Diamond 2503 Command 2504 Bullet 2505 Serif Check 2506 Prompt 2507 Open Diamond 2900 Mouse Location 2901 Center 2902 Upper-Left 2903 Upper-Right 2904 Lower-Left 2905 Lower-Right